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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Miranda Kerr tells how to be happy

Yes, she's pregnant and in love, but those aren't the only reasons Miranda Kerr is glowing. Here, she spills the beans.

Miranda Kerr tells how to be happy
The title "supermodel" is not an easy one to earn. If you're genetically gifted you're obviously ahead of the game, but the "super" part of the title alludes to something more. Grace. Inner beauty. Skin most women would kill for. And in Miranda Kerr's case, a wholesome country-girl-next-door charm that has catapulted her onto catwalks around the world, into the arms of one of Hollywood's leading men and to the top of many women's "if only I could look like her" lists. So what are her secrets? Put simply, Kerr, who wed British actor Orlando Bloom in July and is seven months pregnant with her first child, lives clean and healthy.

She follows Dr Peter D'Adamo's blood-type diet - which dictates what foods you should and should not eat based on your blood grouping - and credits her glowing skin to an organic plant-based diet and Tahitian noni juice. She also advocates regular body brushing. In addition, Kerr has developed an organic skincare range, Kora Organics, which she says "is a reflection of my passion for living a healthy, organic lifestyle". But it's the obvious external reflection of her inner beauty that has won the Gunnedah, NSW-raised 27-year-old her legion of fans.
Kerr is a Nichiren Buddhist, a school of Buddhism based on the belief that all people have an innate Buddhist nature and are inherently capable of attaining enlightenment in their present lifetime. And, rather than reach for the wine and TV remote after a stressful day, Kerr prefers to wind down with meditation and some power yoga with her husband.

The spirit within

The New York-based cover girl now wants to share the spiritual secrets she credits to her success with her growing teenage fan base. To that end, she will launch her debut self-help book, Treasure Yourself, in Australia this month. "I felt as though it was important for my readers to realise I was not always the person they see on a runway or on the cover of a magazine,'' she told body+soul from her home in New York City.
"I wanted them to know that just like them, at times I struggled with insecurity, bullying, rejection and low self-esteem. When I first started working as a model I would feel rejected if I went in for a job but was told I did not have the right look. It took me a while to accept that I was never going to be everything for everyone.''
In fact, she nearly gave up modelling altogether. After winning a Dolly magazine modelling search in 1997, Kerr discovered the industry was nothing like the glamorous world she had expected. "At first I couldn't imagine earning my living from modelling and in those first few years I felt uncertain about modelling as a career,'' Kerr says. "I remember at 13 I went into modelling thinking models got to choose what they wanted to wear in a shoot, lived a glamorous life, made lots of money and were physically perfect. I soon realised that was not the case.''
Despite being visibly pregnant, Kerr made a cameo appearance in the Balenciaga show at the Paris Fashion Week in September, but says she's reduced her workload significantly ahead of the arrival of baby Kerr-Bloom. "I am feeling great and really enjoying the change of pace. I have not stopped working completely, but with less work on I have had a lot more time to spend on my personal projects such as preparing for the book launch and further developing the Kora Organics range.

The darker side

Kerr is now ranked among the world's 10 highest-paid models, according to Forbes magazine. Treasure Yourself - part self-help, part autobiography - chronicles how she got there, from her days spent playing at her grandparents' Queensland farm as a child to her current jetsetting life as a catwalk star. "To me, Treasure Yourself was almost like writing a diary. The book is a very personal account of the life lessons and experiences I have had growing up as a child, right up until the woman I am today,'' she says.
She opens up about her experiences of the darker side of the modelling industry and the heartbreak she felt as a 16-year-old following the death of her first boyfriend, Chris Middlebrook. It's an interesting read, considering the 175 centimetres-tall David Jones ambassador generally sidesteps personal questions during interviews, particularly when they involve her relationships. "We had been dating for two years, and I had just left Gunnedah and moved to Brisbane when he was killed instantly in a car accident and all of a sudden it felt as though my world had fallen apart,'' she says in the book, which she began writing almost five years ago.
"Although we were only young, we had both talked about spending the rest of our lives together. I felt as if my heart had been ripped from my chest and I didn't know what to do.'' Kerr keeps in touch with Middlebrook's family, who are still based in Gunnedah, and has referred to him as her guardian angel. As with most challenges in her life now, Kerr used "power thoughts" to help get her through the difficult time. "I now say to myself, 'I trust the process of life', to remind me that even in the darkest hours there is still light and possibility,'' she writes.

Dreams and ambitions

Kerr is a devotee of gurus Deepak Chopra and Louise L Hay, and has included dozens of their positive affirmations in her book. They are among her favourite motivational tools. Kerr says she also takes a "vision book" on her travels, to keep herself focused on her dreams and ambitions. "I have pictures of places I would love to go, people I hope to meet, things I would like to do and even pictures of friends and family that I pray will remain in my life for as long as possible,'' she says. "I find it really uplifting to look over the images and focus on them as being part of my future.''
Considering she is about to welcome another person into her life in a few months, Kerr has no doubt saved a special spot in her book for her baby girl or boy. "If being pregnant and already feeling such a close connection with the baby is anything to go by then I am really looking forward to that moment.''


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